Do less. Get more

Digital leaders stand out from their competitors in two ways: how they put digital to work, especially in engaging with clients and suppliers, and how intensively their employees use digital tools in every aspect of their daily activities.

Join the 4th IR

Most industries, and people are unprepared for the 4th industrial revolution - 60% of leaders say they are unprepared

Do less

Digital leaders stand out from their competitors in two ways: how they put digital to work, especially in engaging with clients and suppliers, and how intensively their employees use digital tools in every aspect of their daily activities

Get more

The most digital companies see outsized growth in productivity and profit margins

We make your difficult problems simple

stead. designs simple digital solutions to solve business problems, allowing your and your people to do less value-less work and more value-adding work. stead. is all about simple excellence

Why simple?

We're all about trust at stead.. We work to foster an internal trust economy your for people and clients via simple digital solutions. This means they spend less time understanding, reviewing, checking and remembering, and more time doing

What is simple?

Our designs:

  • Are free from unnecessary ostentation or display to distract users
  • Present only what is the most useful to the user
  • Are free of any other unnecessary complications
  • Are readily understood and performed


We focus on you

We take a collaborative problem solving approach with you, to solve your business or social problem

We focus on simple projects

We do only the simple things, and avoid large, complex projects. These projects must have proven value to make life easier and create more value within the business

Your solution will feel like home

Our design motto is "Revolutionary, but comfortable". This means we take bold steps to create great designs, without making unnecessary confusion. “Why isn’t everything like this” is what you'll say

Trust is our number one

We work directly with you and your end-users to solve your problems. We love seeing a solution come together, together

Quick turnaround for a quality product

We do agile, quick iterations to give you exactly what you need, instead of just what's on the spec sheet

Want to work with us?

Let’s chat - we'd love to hear how we can work together

Give us a ring

Daniel Donaldson
076 330 4852
Mon - Fri, 08:00-22:00

Find us at the office

Villa Carra,
6 Sommerville Avenue,
Melrose Estate,
Johannesburg, 2191

Contact Us