Digitising processes allows your business to thrive

When business leaders talk about going digital, many are uncertain about what that means beyond buying the latest IT system. Digital leaders stand out from their competitors in two ways: how they put digital to work, especially in engaging with clients and suppliers, and how intensively their employees use digital tools in every aspect of their daily activities.

Increasing sales

Digitising your business can increase sales in two ways: by allowing you to spend more time on sales and less time on other non-value adding activities, or by attracting customers with innovations

Saving costs

Whilst it costs businesses to implement digital systems, we ensure that these costs are offset by savings in the business. These savings usually come from better efficiency and better ways of managing processes and systems

Repurposing resources

Implementing digital systems allows staff who were busy with administrative or menial tasks to refocus their skills onto value adding activities

Let's get practical

Some case studies to illustrate digital process design from stead.

"An integrated customer and project workspace for tracking from the time someone gives you their business card to when they make their 1000th order"


Project pipelines

Most industries can manage services they provide using a project approach. We can take this a step further by integrating a Customer Relations Management system, which allows you to track from when you first meet someone, to them becoming a key account. From purchase order to completion of project. From completion to the next project.

"An automatic dashboard which displays your organisations data on your phone, instead of going through spreadsheets"

Saving cost

Dashboard for your data

We often think using spreadsheets for our data is being digital. And whilst it is, there is so much more we can do today. And so much more than doesn't require a person to spend days of each month gathering the data into this spreadsheet. We design systems that allow you to glance at dashboards on your phone, as quickly as the data is updated

"An online design system for clients, which allows people to see what they're designing immediately"

Reporpusing resources

Online design system

Much of the time we use our well-paid resources to do quotes and other things that can now be done online. We design a system which allows customer to do their own quotes, and even some of their own design online. This allows your team to spend their time and talent on being creative and more value-adding work
